December 6, 2014

Leaf Creature Pictures and Waldorf dolls for little boys!

Flip, it is already December and I haven't even made ONE dream catcher!!
It's crazy! Everything is crazy!!    but it's also good.. I have so much to be thankful for. I have so much joy and love in my life, and just really cool stuff.  Now that is crazy crazy~~~ I can't explain. oh, no matter !

Ok, so no dream catchers, but, I have been making some leaf creature pictures, which are pretty cool to make. I made some big-ish ones for some children in Dubai, but I forgot to take picturesg ggrrrr! but maybe that was meant to be. Its ok. It is a good reminder, that when you make something with your hands, for someone, sometimes it is better to let that be it in itself. It doesnt need to be voiced somewhere else or to look for some kind of recognition.  I haven't quite figured out exactly what I'm saying there, but it links into this - sort of  - :

I've been packing my books into boxes. I love my books. I don't have so many really, and I'm not extremely protective over them. Maybe it's partly  a cultural thing, the eternal nomadic South African thing.. Oh, I digress..but here we go:  'Moving'. Moving is another whole big story on it's own.  For another time! but it affects all sorts of things, lots of things, and not even just things things. Ok ok.  The end. Another time.   
But, books, of course, are one of them.

So, the books,  I'm happy for them to move into other spaces and kind of be and give messages. Because when we die, we don't take our books with us, When we are alive, we may as well let our books be enjoyed!!  

[I have the same sort of thing with my art, so I suppose it's good in a way.  Having less stuff, makes room for new growing and ideas, maybe... except that you need to be careful you don't lose a talisman along the way!!]

 But I do find that I like the feeling of having certain books near me, that I've had a real affiliation with. Its a kind of a comfort of sorts . And I was thinking a lot when I was packing my books away of Thomas Merton. I first found one of his books on a little jaunt I did a few years ago to Glastonbury [not during the festival!]  It just kind of jumped into my hands, a little 2nd hand book about his life. I then proceded to buy more!
I won't go on about what he writes about and exactly what in his writing first struck a cord with me, perhaps there are too many cords to write down. I suggest you read some yourself, it's wonderful soul food.

Here is a little quote just to chew on a little bit:

“Do not depend on the hope of results. You may have to face the fact that your work will be apparently worthless and even achieve no result at all, if not perhaps results opposite to what you expect. As you get used to this idea, you start more and more to concentrate not on the results, but on the value, the rightness, the truth of the work itself. You gradually struggle less and less for an idea and more and more for specific people. In the end, it is the reality of personal relationship that saves everything.” 
― Thomas Merton

About Thomas Merton

And now for the next thing.  There is a magazine I read, which I love, called JUNO, which is about conscious parenting, sustainability, etc etc blah blah blah. nice.  It's British. and so, it is made with precision and care and clever-ness. for me thats a [non civil service! ok, but that's anywhere, sure. but still.] trait of this island, often, in my experience.

Anyway, in the recent edition, there is a wonderful article by a lady called Laura Whalen, who lives in a little fishing village in Ireland, and makes Waldorf Dolls. She writes in this article, specifically about dolls for boys, and references her own sons. She talks about the importance of teaching children empathy and self care and self development through playing with dolls and role playing.  Its a way for children to explore their sense of self and their place in the world, and they can use dolls to act out their emotions. Its what sand tray therapy is all about really. But a doll is more permanent and attached than a sand tray object, although they serve simiar purposes 'in the moment'
 I can't link to her article because its subscriber only  on line but I have taken some pics so hopefully you can read the words.
She talks a lot about children learning nurturing parenting skills through playing with dolls. I whole heartedly agree with her, that for boys this is imperative. Often the nurturing caring side of a boys development is ignored or shunned. In fact ,it is just as important for boys as it is for girls, as who says only mothers should be nurturing and empathic. What about fathers??? I don't think it even needs explanation as to why an emotional vocabulary is absolutely one of the most important languages we can or should, if we can,  teach our children, or help them to learn. What better than dolls - little imaginary, real, people for practice!

I've liked the idea of dolls, or variations there of, for our little boy, and generally for children, for a long time, and Gabriel is already actively playing and role playing with teddies. So when I read this article, I figured, ok, it is time for a proper doll for Gabriel. Not an action man, not a disney character and not a 'girls doll' , and so, this has jumped onto may page!

Laura sells Waldorf dolls that she's made by hand, to order, but she also sells doll making kits, with all the hair and everything, and proper insturctions. So I have orderd one, and some patterns for clothes and I eagerly await my package! Goodness knows when I'll make it , if I haven't even made my dream catchers yet! but I'm excited none the less. 
Creativity  and ideas are like that, sometimes they finds any excuse not to be made or to stay waiting until the right time. Other times they just make themselves, almost while you are sleeping!
Lots of people make waldorf doll making kits and I can buy the ingredients from lots of places. But i want to buy from Lauren because I like what she is doing and I like her article and I think I came across her for a reason, so I am glad to have a doll making kit from her.

This is Lauren's blog

This doll  I can feel is waiting to be made. Its the right time, I cant wait.

PLEASE READ ABOUT WALDORF DOLLS, because I cant write toooo much on one page.
Laura explains briefly in her lovely article, but there is lots more on the internet. Waldorf dolls are just a tiny part of Waldorf education, which I totally really like. There is even a Waldorf School in Palermo!! Maybe Babacino can go there!!!!  libera scuola waldorf di palermo

This is all about Waldorf toys, and includes dolls

Lauren's article from JUNO:

And these are some lovely words Lauren wrote to me, which make me very happy and well, I just think very generous really !! I love that about so many creative people that I have come across in my life, they just excude enthusiasm and giving and they live abundently [and i dont mean in the material sense]
I think Laura is very clever and switched on, and its no wonder her dolls are so beautiful and people love them so much

"I can't wait to see how your doll turns out. It is an amazing process and I'm sure you'll just love it. When you start seeing the little head form, it's amazing to watch the personality of the doll form. I do also think that there is something extra special when the doll is made by mama (or granny or someone special), I think there is real love that goes into every stitch and this is really tangible in the doll itself. I wonder will you also find that the doll looks like your little one. I have found that happen so often, I think it is something to do with our idea of beauty. For us mama's our little one IS our ideal of beauty so when we are crafting the doll we subconsciously form it to look like our child, as that is what is aesthetically pleasing to us. It will be interesting to see if you find this too.
Anyway, I will get the kit ready for you tomorrow and into the post, 
happy crafting and do let me know if you need any help etc.
best of luck
Laura x"

And then, naturally, some pictures of Babacino, of late!! just to keep things going.... !
In 2 and a half weeks time, we are going to Palermo for Christmas, and in March we are going to Rome for the Rome  Marathon!!!   Some pics are from our day out to the 100 acre wood, where Winnie the Pooh and Christopher Robin lived and we walked to Pooh Bridge through a lot of mud!

I hope Juno doesn't mind me putting pics of their article here, but there is no other way of properly explaining, other than to re-type the article and I don't think that would be right, it needs the pictures and everything!

I hope you like the pictures and soon I will start making the little doll and depending on the temperament of the little doll, i might post some pics. I hope to!!

ciao ciao tutti! a dopo!

“The beginning of love is to let those we love be perfectly themselves and not to twist them to fit our own image.” 
― Thomas Merton