October 28, 2013

Babacino is four months old today exactly! and here are our feet!

Today Babacino is exactly 4 months old!! Here are some little pictures of Babacino rituals and things.

These are our family foot prints, woot woot!! as explained the day before yesterday i think, here:

And here is one of Babacino's 'passeggino' story decorations.. coming along coming along

Here is a little bee and his Pappi 
having reading and sleeping time!

And here is Babacino at Tata,s at lunch time, in his 'new' from the family, chair. Now he can see everyone!! 

by by and good night, lots of love Gabriel !! GABRIEL BABACINO WAS HERE!! xx xx xx

October 27, 2013


25 Oct

Today is Friday and on Monday Babacino will be 4 MONTHS old.
I have some orange paint to make foot prints and hand prints. I think I’ll put orange paint onto me and Mauri’s feet too and make family prints!
I am still writing by hand, I suppose in an attempt to catch the little buzzing fireflies, which have to slow down when I use my hands to think, and also as I have so much to write down that if I don’t use my hands and paper, with edges, I could end up with a huge fuzzy  word lake on the Internet, without edges, and it would be impossible to properly see and read.

If the things I remember, I recall via paper and my hands, then maybe, hopefully , my hands will choose the most important things. And then of course, there are the colours, but in fact my hands choose those too, with making and with the camera!   

Let us Begin:
Starting with colour. A little while ago, Mauri found, what must have been a small child’s name badge, somewhere on one of our jaunts or morning runs. It was a sort of an animal shape cut out of coloured card , and a child’s name was written on it in crayon. A little piece of wool was tied to it, which must have been what was used for the child to wear the name badge. For about 2 weeks this was a decoration on Babacino’s buggy. I became quite fond of it, and wondered about the story of the little child whom it had belonged to. Along the way, it somehow disappeared from Babacino’s buggy and probably headed off again, on it’s own new little journey. And so I decided it would be a lovely idea to make a real one for Gabriel, with his name on it.
Of course, that left me unable to decide on one animal, one type of card, one colour, what crayon to use etc, as this would be Babacino’s first official buggy decoration (not counting the musical strawberry we got as a  Baptism present for Babacino - which sadly we’ve also lost!). Important stuff!!  Naturally, I now have about 5 big pieces of different coloured card (and that did involve me trying to curtail my version of a sugar rush, but  for colour, as I could quite easily have acquired ALL the colours in the shop! ). And naturally, again, we now have a multitude of Buggy decorations in various stages of making, also involving lots of cutting out and glue and story growing, with lives of their own!
So far Babacino loves the sound of scissors cutting card, and when I show him the things I am making, I think he might even like them, he follows the bright colours and shapes when I move them around.
And to confess, at this stage, I don’t know if I’m making them more for me or for him!, but at least one thing – I do believe that in the intention of making and creating something for someone, there is an energy flow and a spirit (destined for that person) which inevitably comes alive, somehow.
I believe and trust in that a lot when I make things, and same goes for such gifts received. On that note Babacino has been VERY blessed with a multitude of hand made gifts, all of which I believe are full of love and creativity and all the good stuff that a little person needs for life and living.
I hope that Babacino receives, in abundance whatever energy and spirit is finding it’s way into these little coloured story shape creations. I suspect, from the history of the little friends of Babcino’s buggy, that these story shapes may well also head off on other journeys at some stage, and who knows, they may even find their way onto other buggy’s somewhere in the world!! But also, they are just for fun, not actually serious serious serious...;)

That brings me onto the next topic, of ‘MORSELS’
I thought yesterday, or the day before, of a new little name for Mauri! He could be ‘The Morsel Man’ because he seems to have the most curious, inquisitive mind for finding things, books, ideas, experiences, and then, he is like a quiet, lithe and graceful cat. He loves to quietly and often 'sneek-ily' give and present these little (or big, depending on how you look at it!) morsels to people. For me and Babacino he has always known exactly what morsels we love, and he is for ever surprising us with these most wonderfull-est of morsels. The little cardboard name badge is just one little example. Each morsel would need a whole story for itself, so I shall have to write about the morsels in 'little morsels' over time…..

But just a little thing still on the topic of Morsels: Mauri’s house is full from top to bottom of books, and even though he has a rule of not reading books a 2nd time, (because there are SO many books in the world waiting to be read! And luckily for Mauri he has a brain that can drink up and remember 100’s and 100’s of books, so he doesn't actually need to read them again!) Anyway so even though he doesn't read the books again, he does like to potter around  and pick up books, look at a page, remember something, or suddenly have an inkling to find a particular book from a certain time, or person, or that reminds him of something or someone. And so, I have a growing pile of little morsels of books next to my pillow, from Mauri, chosen out of the book house, for me to nibble on, especially when it’s Babacino’s eating times!
And of course, Mauri also loves to acquire new shiny books, and he loves picture books too! And so we (me, Mauri and Babacino) have a growing collection of some of the most beautiful story books, which all kind of connect somehow and are becoming part of our family story and which I hope Babacino will love, when he understands stories.  To begin to explain this little book family would need it’s own blog page, so another time!  But here is one just to show you! : A story about a Tiger

This week, we went to Alta Villa gain, and I took some pictures of my run. Last week, Mauri showed me the route into the village, so I gave it a go, and this time, I didn't get lost!! – with help from certain landmarks, for example ‘turn left at the rubbish!’ – picture included for evidence!

On the way to Alta Villa , for one reason and another, we had a crying really hungry tired little boy, who, as soon as we got there, had his supper and fell asleep immediately, followed an hour or two later, by more supper and a nice bath courtesy of the best bather of little monkey’s  in the world – Mauri himself! and pleasantly followed by more supper and a nice long sleep, much needed after so much crying!
And so during this prolonged sleeping time, Mauri and I sat at the big table, making our different creations, Mauri with words  and photos and me with colours.  You can see a photo of our real live ‘work table’ as well as our subsequently decorated supper table, as evidence!

Babacino has a new gym! He loves it! He got it from a very kind lady who does some work for Tata. It is a combination of a little gym and Franci’s play mat from when he was little. Now Babacino has a play gym in London AND in Italy, lucky boy!
Franci came to visit us a few days ago, while Babacino was in full play mode, and you can see a photo of ‘Brothers Playing’, it is so cute!! AND we have a photo of the full Crispi Clan, you can never keep Mauri away from a good toy! or being with his boys!! J  - And that, the Babacino Gym story, is also part of our colour topic for this little blog story.

Even though there are a lot more things to say about MORSELS, in relation to Mauri.( I haven't even STARTED on the food morsels!! – another of Mauri’s specialties), I will save them for another time, … In fact, there are many many morsels and types of morsels, and I am sure even more to be discovered!

So that is that for now, for Alta Villa, Running, Colours, and Morsels, in the Crispi Family!

Oh, and to mention, the Alta Villa thread idea comes from this little story :

And now for some pictures!!
Babacino in full play mode in his sparkly gym

Franci and Babacino

MORE Franci and Babacino, Babacino in his dungaree's from Kyle his cousin in South Africa!

And all three Crispi's!

Then, this is the 'work table' of me and Mauri, the words and the colours.

Here is where the colours began, next to a cute sleeping boy!

And the decorated yummy supper at Altavilla

The next day very early, Mauri is up, ready to work in the fields and just in time to see the sun rise!

And the Alta Villa house in the beautiful morning light.

It is the morning, and now it is time to run. Mauri, Babacino and Frida head down the road with me, to open the complicated gate.

First things first, an Olive Grove! There are lots and lots of Olive trees all over Sicily, and just up the road, there is even a place that makes olive oil! 

and here you can see the sun well and truly up in the sky, how beautiful for just a few days before the clock changes

some more lovely trees in the area

And a view of the little village and the harbour

Now I have reached the start of the village. I turned around at this point and headed back up the hill, but next time, I might do a little jaunt into the village itself just to see...!

Heading back, always remember to turn left, just after the rubbish!

Here, not very clearly, but it is a true story, there is a little farmyard of chickens and hens. This area is an agricultural area, so people are not allowed to build blocks of flats or houses next to each other. They have to leave the land open and grow things or have animals. So there is quite a collection of different types of growing going on, and no shortage of trees!

Here is a loquat tree! The only place, other than Johannesburg South Africa, where I have seen loquat trees. Once, we had a whole bowl of loquats for pudding at Alta Villa. Loquats are quite fragile fruit and can't really be transported as they bruise easily, but they are totally yummy just off the tree! I forget the Italian word for them, but this is what they are: About loquats

The very last of the Fichy d'India's for the season... The Fichi d'India

And now finally, I am almost home, here is the first gate, so I am definitely in the right place, and haven't got lost this time! Bravo!!

And the final gate, here is the drive way

And look who is waiting when I arrive!! Yayyyyy... my two lovely boys!! 

In the fields: Just to show you, these are some steps that Mauri made!!

This is us in the fields later in the day

And this is some of Mauri's work. There is always a fire to be made, for tidying!

Last but not least, I just had to add this picture, it's Mauri and Babacino in Villa Sperlinga, Babacino now holds on like mad when you carry him, and he especially loves his Papi's arm!!

And that's us for now... until the next time!!

October 20, 2013

Running Diary and other things 19th October

19 October

Since the last Running Diary Update, a lot has happened – journeys, more running, watching running in the Alps + more! And Babacino has become a lot more curious, a lot more chunky and even cuter!
He loves to eat his hands, often both at the same time, even trying to include his blanket in the eating process! I think he is partly exploring sensations, what his hands are all about (as can be deduced by the fact that he likes to put his fingers down his throat sometimes and then gets a fright when he half chokes!), taste etc. Also he is teething.
We ran into an old university colleague of Mauri’s who is a surgeon he straight away showed us that Babacino has teeth trying to poke through (already!).  Babacino also likes to eat Mauri’s fingers.
Yesterday we went for his Pediatrician check up and in about 3 weeks he has grown 1kg and about 6cm in length! He’s starting to get real little chubby baby-ness all over him.
In the last 2 days we’ve started trying to get a routine or system to his feeding, which the pediatrician recommended especially to prepare for my return to work (blahhhhh), so we are now doing 4 hourly feeds ( at least we are trying!) and we’ve started giving Babacino little sips of water from a bottle and little tastes of fruit puree (Hipp) between feeds. So far he’s tried aplie and I think he likes it!
I've now tried expressing, eventually, and haven't had much luck. I think its because of my own resistance. I really do need to try and make it work to avoid the formula thing if I can.
So far the day is working ok with the feeds in this routine but night time seems another story, but it’s early days. I keep saying to Mauri that I hope we aren't being cruel by holding back food when he’s hungry. Fortunately we both agree that we won’t be utterly dictatorial about it, if he’s really upset , then of course I’ll feed him. But now we also have other tools to try.
I actually feel quite relieved. I was quite anxious, partly about the idea of the start of ‘separation’ from Babacino – but in fact, I fee fine about it now that we've started. I think the gradual approach, with flexibility helps. I was also worried that Gabriel wouldn't take to a bottle (given that his reaction to a dummy so far as been – what the heck is this strange thing? And promptly spits it out). But in fact he seems to know what to do with it, sort of, I hope!
Mauri is totally understanding and supportive, asking all the questions and queries I have to the Pediatrician and then translating back for me.  And today, Mauri reminded me, that we are a team! That felt nice, and I feel so lucky that I have Mauri , and Babacino has the best Papi in the world J
The other bonus about the 4 hour feeds is that I can hopefully run the Palermo Half Marathon in November, if all is well on the day, and maybe get some longer runs in.
Actually lately I have got in some slightly longer runs of around 6-8kms which has been great.

I did run 12.5kms the one day, at Altavilla. In fact the day after the last blog entry of 8th October, but it was certainly not planned to be that long! I felt really bad about it for quite a while and it definitely made me want to do ‘something’ about me being the sole feeding option for Babacino.
I had been out for a run at Altavilla, and somehow on my way back, I couldn't find / remember the right turn off, and landed up getting back after 1 hour and 15 minutes! I never took my phone iether so I couldn't ring Mauri and he couldn't ring me, so it was rather stressful all round!
Babacino was quite frantic I think, and Mauri had nothing at all to give him. He needed me to be there. He was almost going to phone cousen Aldo to help!
In hind site  and now that we have more knowledge,  I think Babacino would probably have been ok for a couple of hours, really, because I had fed him not long before running. But at the time, , all I knew and believed in about   feeding was ‘on demand feeding’ which I still strongly believe in. I had no idea that an almost 4 month old baby could actually survive quite a few hours relatively ok, without a feed, and this would not constitute neglect or cruelty.
But it was not a nice experience, especially for Mauri as he was totally un-empowered to do anything in that situation. But now we are all together in a much better place with more knowledge and tools. And for me, a tad more confidence too!
I don’t really have space or time to write now about our wonderful journey to the Alps, but I will include Mauri’s photo album so that you can see a bit from there.
The one thing I will mention which I loved, was the visit to the Sacra Monte (Sacred Mountain) of St Francis of Assisi (Gabriel’s namesake). It’s actually called ‘Sacra Monte of Orta’ because it’s next to Lake Orta, a wonderful natural lake not that far from Milan.
Here is a link to explain the place, but, to say in one or two words, this little trip was  one of the most thoughtful ideas from Mauri. A place to take Gabriel, and as a family. Even though he won’t remember it (consciously) he’ll see the pictures and we’ll tell him about it and when he’s bigger we can go again!
It’s a place where really you need to spend quite a lot of time to fully appreciate, if it is even possible to ‘fully’ appreciate. I like the journey aspect of it. There are 13 separate temples that you visit, in order, and each one has a wonderful life size scene of figures (sculpted). Each scene tells a story of the life of St Francis It’s amazing to see the scenes in this way rather than  say a 2D painting. Even a film would not hold the same power, as these figures were hundreds of years old in some cases.
Although there are may SACRO MONTE’s in Italy, this particular one dates back to the medieval pilgrims in the 12th and 13th Centuries and today it has been declared a world heritage site by UNESCO. It was a really special time for all of us, I think.

I could write more but saving for another time... I am missing Babacino and Mauri!

sleeping Babacino in winter PJs at one of the hotels

actually sitting in the car seat (for a short while!) in the hat made by Granny in Joburg!

First time wearing his little blue sleeping bag suit - and matching the painting!

with Papi the photographer, Babacino is finally bigger than the camera!

Lovely Mauri in his office!

me and Babacino going walking in the sling, perfect for this new experience of weird cold weather

This is me! 

ahhh cute Babacino he lives being with Papi in his big arms and hands!

Running Diary (and other things) update 8th October 2013

Today is Tuesday the 8th of October, 2 days after Babacino’s baptism at The Church of Santa Maria dell'Ammiraglio.
Running has been continuing in one form or another, though we haven’t quite reached the 10km mark yet! I hope to be able to run the Palermo Half Marathon on the 17th of November, but it all depends on how Babacino is on the day and if I can actually manage to try and start expressing some milk so that Babacino can eat while I’m running, but of course I also need to test and practice before, with Mauri helping too, most important.
I have mixed feelings about this next phase with Babacino. Part of me knows I need to start expressing ,for a few reasons – to include Mauri in this lovely part of caring for Babacino, in preparation for returning to work, and as a by product, it would be lovely to do some longer runs, which definitely needs me to leave food for Babacino. And, I don't want to start using formula. I’d rather go from expressed milk to solids, early next year when he is +6 months.
The mixed feeling bit is that at the moment feeding Babacino gives us such a lovely close bond and I feel a bit sad or a little feeling of loss to start separating from Babacino a bit, which is what this plan feels like at the moment.   I NEED TO JUST START AND TRY
Since the last running update, I have been venturing away from Villa Sperlinga a bit and running around the city exploring. The only downside is all the crossing of roads during rush-hour!
I need to find a route that maybe goes around the edge or something like that, but all in good time..
The most I have run so far,  is 7.78km which was at the seafront near the harbour on Saturday, so no road crossings! Babacino loved that day being in the fresh sea air. Afterwards we went to try and deliver the confetti for Babacino’s Baptism, the next day ,to the Garibaldi bar, where the drinks would be afterwards. Unfortunately, it was closed but we did go to a great little place where Mauri’s dad used to go as a student where we had a ‘Paneca Meusa’ which is a sandwich made with spleen of sheep and other sheep innards ! along with Ricotta and another type of cheese. We just had the cheese and the gravy and gave the spleen stuff a miss!
Tomorrow we are going to Altavilla for the day and I hope I can run down the hill and back up! (or close)

I’ve started using my Garmin now, so I can see how far I’ve run. I forgot to bring the little USB stick from London, so I cant download the maps of where I’ve been, but at least I can record distances, and pace. Although, I’m not too bothered about pace, really. I am just running for fun!
Mauri is doing quite a lot of running type things with Babacino, who likes to do air running when being carried in a certain way.
I want to say something about the Baptism but I will do that another time, it is stil settling into my heart and my bones at the moment, but for now, here is Mauri’s blog about the day:
Babacino is making lots of different sounds these days and he definitely hasn’t slowed down in growing!

I am also really trying to learn Italian. Mauri is helping but I’m also trying to use the dictionary a lot to read stories as a way of learning. I also have a book on verbs arriving in the post from Amazon UK soon!

Here are some pictures from the Baptism
Little Babacino taking his bath! I felt so proud of him and i cried to see our little boy doing his first little thing in life not actually physically right next to one of us.

Babacino in his little outfit in the car on the way to the church, so cute! he looks like he's going to his first day of school!

Babacino getting ready for his Baptismal bath, being held by his God Mother: Nona Nica and with Franci, his awesome big brother AND God Father watching on and helping

Here he is crying a bit, with another little Italian boy a tiny bit older than him. He is crying, as he is very hungry as the whole procedure is quite long!

 And here is the whole family, Franci, Nona Nica, Tata Mauri and me, and of course BABACINO!

 Here is one of us waiting, Papi is doing his special calming technique with Babacino, and making sure he doesn't get the white stuff on his jacket!

 And here is out little family, about to be even more joined together xx xx xx xxx